Wednesday Devotional: Dress the Part

Today, we are talking about how you dress and what that means for you and for others. Sorry  gentlemen, today this post is geared more toward women, but read along and share it with your female friends too if you’d like!

Ladies, our clothing style can tell others who we are, our values and often what we believe. If a woman dresses risqué, she is typically looking for attention. If she is overly focused on her outward appearance, how others view her looks is often very important. 1 Timothy 2:9-10 tell us that we should neither dress immodestly or over-the-top in order to get attention.

Let’s take a closer look at those verses: 1 Timothy 2:9-10-“…likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modest and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness-with good works.”

What this doesn’t mean: It doesn’t mean that we are not supposed to look pretty. No, I firmly believe that you can look beautiful given the description above. It also doesn’t mean we can never braid our hair. Nor does it mean that we are not allowed to wear gold or pearls.

We have to consider the context of these verses and during the time these verses were written, women were out of control with braiding their hair and buying expensive jewelry in order to look better than everyone else. Their clothing was not glorifying God, but instead becoming a distraction. In these verses, Paul was addressing the behind the scenes reasoning for purchasing such extravagant clothing and jewelry because the women were being distracted by elegant fashion instead of doing the work of the Lord.

Don’t be distracted by the words Paul is saying, but listen to the point he is making. Gals, let’s dress modestly in order to not distract ourselves or others from God’s glory. His glory is more exquisite than anything we can ever put on anyway. Let’s allow others to see who we truly are-Godly women-instead!

God, thank you for your words of conviction and grace. Allow me to be an encouragement to others. Forgive me for being a distraction both to myself and to others. Help me to see the Godliness in others and not be distracted by them either. Pour out Your love through me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

If you want to read similar posts, check out this Wednesday Devotional, this Wednesday Devotional: Beauty Isn’t Everything also and Beauty is Worthless.

Dress the Part-Wednesday Devotional

10 thoughts on “Wednesday Devotional: Dress the Part

  1. Michelle Elenee

    Dressing had a huge impact on how others try to view us , and I really love when I see women dressed appropriately and do not try to distract other people. Maybe as someone mentioned above, that it could be nice to talk to our kids about how to dress appropriate😊


  2. ceomombrand

    Thankfully, my mother taught me well. She taught me not only the importance of how I dress, but how I carry myself as a young woman. Unfortunately, not everyone has that anymore. I definitely intend to pass the very same principles to my own daughter. Thanks for the reminder.


  3. I wish I had someone to call me out on what I wore when I was in high school and my freshman year of college. It wasn’t until a sweet friend pulled me aside one day and shared with me how I shouldn’t be dressing the way I was. At first, I bristled, but the Lord softened my heart and convicted me. If I ever have a daughter someday, I pray that the Lord will provide me with the right words to say to share this with her!


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