God Prevails

I was reading in Mark 5 the other day about when Jesus heals the man with a demon. I know, right? That’s some super fun reading! Stick with me  for a minute! Jesus ends up casting the demon out of the man, but don’t miss the importance of the story. Jesus restored the man, and unlike other times Jesus does something in order to heal someone, He did it so he would share about what Jesus did for him with those around him.

The application for you and me is that God, too, has also restored each of us, who are Christians. God restored us, or brings us back to Him through the hard times, so that we will go out and share with others how He has restored us. So use this as a reminder to not keep your hard times a secret. God uses our weaknesses to grow us, so don’t keep hiding them. Share them in order to glorify God and to let people know all that God has done for you.

If you are going through a hard time right now, remember that even the demons in this story recognized Jesus’ power. Know that God will always defeat Satan. Even if things are going well right now or if they seem terrible, know that God will prevail and Satan will be defeated! Praise God!