Mom Dare

This is a little different post than I usually do here, but I thought things have been a little deep lately, and this one might be a little more lighthearted. However, it still shares what I have been doing in our MOPS group here in Bangkok. A couple of weeks ago I encouraged the ladies to make a Dare List that will encourage us to do things with our kiddos that we wouldn’t normally do. Any idea is good-do something new or something messy. I don’t usually like messy because I like to be in control of things, but I am trying to step out of my comfort zone to be a braver, more fun mom. The purpose is to push ourselves to become more daring moms, so I’d like to share some of the ideas with you.

Make edible finger paint-This one is more for the little ones. My kiddos love to paint, so for the little ones that still want to put it in their mouths, this one is perfect! Here is a recipe I found to make edible finger paint: Just make sure to have some wipes handy to clean up the mess afterward!

Draw with sidewalk chalk-I loved sidewalk chalk growing up! This one has so many possibilities too! There is, of course, simply drawing whatever comes to mind. You can also come up with some pretty creative games to play with sidewalk chalk. Draw a giant bullseye and use it to throw whatever you can find in it. And hopscotch is always a favorite too! Also, you can use sidewalk chalk for education activities, such as learning you ABCs or any other educational game you can come up with.
Use rice to bury toys or funnels to play-Rice is an easy way to play and you can play with it in so many different ways-hide things in the rice or use measuring cups or funnels to have some fun playing.

Play with measuring cups and water-Same idea as with the rice, but my children love to play in water, and there are so many ways you can do this as well! You can even freeze it and use different utensils to break it apart. Add food coloring to make it even more enjoyable! Use measuring cups or whatever else you can come up with too!

Play dress up-Make your own or buy them, but what little girl doesn’t like to play dress up? Make or buy some crowns, hats, masks, skirts, or whatever else your little one will think is fun!

Make paper bag people-Paper bag puppets are a simple way to promote creativity with your kiddies. Here is a website with some cute ideas on how to dress up your paper bag people:

Have a food fight-I would suggest making this a special occasion. Maybe even use something other than food you would eat while sitting down for dinner. Make up a special meal like popcorn balls or snow cream soup or even food color noodles.
Go on an adventure walk-Let your child be in control of the decisions for this one. Go outside and let them decide which direction you should go or go for a drive and let them choose which direction to go and where to turn. You never know what kind of excitement you might find!

Pray for your child daily-There are so many different ways we need to be praying for our children. Make it a daily habit!

I hope you enjoyed some of the ideas. If you have other great ideas, please feel free to share those too!